The Top 11 Most Horrible Foods in the U.S.

Almost every culture has foods that may look strange or even inedible to someone who isn't used to eating them.

These foods frequently, but not always, involve offal or organ meats.

Naturally, everything is relative. At the mention of all or most of the aforementioned specialties,

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the majority of Americans might turn up their noses—and turn down their forks.

However, foreign onlookers may believe us to be insane for consuming foods that appear normal and everyday to us, such as peanut butter, cereal for breakfast, Jell-O, or corn on the cob.

The results of their study, which ended on December 14, 2023, came from 273,250 respondents, all of whom were regarded as reliable.

In order to compile a list of the worst American cuisine, at least in the opinion of some, 24/7 examined TasteAtlas .

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