Obesity and Poor Diet: Recognizing and Correcting Bad Habits

Food Journaling: Track your diet to uncover harmful habits including overeating, snacking, and relying on bad meals.

Mindful Eating: Learn to recognize hunger and fullness signs to avoid overeating.

Replace processed and high-calorie foods with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

To guarantee nutrition and portion management, plan balanced meals in advance using a range of food categories.

Dehydration can be misinterpreted for hunger, leading to needless calorie consumption.

Limit Sugary Drinks: Replace sugary drinks with water, herbal teas, or other low-calorie drinks to save calories.

Slow Down Eating: Chew food properly and eat slowly to prevent overeating by letting your body register satiety.

Find Professional Help: Talk to a licensed dietitian or nutritionist for individualized guidance on healthy eating.

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