February's 20 Easy Cabbage Recipes

Serve this quick and easy stir-fry cabbage recipe over rice with a poached egg for a vegetarian main dish or roasted chicken or pork.

Sweet green cabbage is easy to find and works well, but savoy or napa cabbage will too.

Replace sesame oil with peanut oil for a different taste.Vegan soup is surprisingly easy to make.

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This recipe is based on Hawaiian huli huli chicken, which is grilled chicken turned frequently and basted with a sweet and savory sauce.

In this vegetarian version, cabbage wedges replace chicken, and the sauce is similar to its roots despite turning the cabbage only once.

Cabbage caramelizes in butter in this comforting vegetarian dinner, adding sweetness. Cabbage and pasta are covered in a light, creamy sauce.

Thin the sauce with a few tablespoons of pasta cooking water.N��ớc chấm, a popular Vietnamese dipping sauce, balances sweetness, sourness, and saltiness with sugar, lime juice, and fish sauce.

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