4 Zodiacs Fighting A Secret This Month

Taurus' secret is that they forgot what sparked their grudge. The rage has subsided, but the standoff persists because there is no easy or respectable way to negotiate. They're the aggrieved party, even if they forget why. To wave a white flag first would be to lose face, which they cannot do.


They must maintain their reputation. In public and privately, they pretend the quarrel continues without change, knowing it's meaningless and for show. Taurus will burn more bridges, but their indifference is slowly eating them up as they struggle to maintain the illusion. 


Libra secretly went crazy this month, literally and figuratively. Whatever bandwagon they've been riding has lost its charm, so they've quietly abandoned ship to avoid a fight. They lost faith in leaders, questioned ideology, and most crucially, stopped enjoying it. 


Libra's goal at a soccer league or happy hour is to leave swiftly without conflict. Their grievance doesn't demand systemic overthrow. No longer their vibe, and that's alright. Something is wrong with the kool-aid, but they shouldn't tell anyone. Libra knows how to live and let live, thus some decisions must be made alone.


Leo heard something. Something enormous. Something big. Something with atomic or radioactive potential to destroy, involving two Leo friends. Leo almost can't handle the mental and moral courage needed to keep this information to themself. Because of its shock value and magnitude, you feel compelled to share it immediately.


Hearing it for the first time was like an earthquake. It changed the game that much. Something Leo took for granted was wrong, and their perception of this person has changed forever. Leo knows it's not their position to share the news that the other party is being exploited. They don't want to get involved in the consequences.


Scorpio's lifelong secret is boredom and a lack of direction. They fantasize about packing up and moving without telling anyone. The secret is they know they can do so much more than they are doing.


Their imaginations create occupations, family histories, passionate relationships, and world dominance plots. Scorpio's reluctance is the only thing preventing them. If they shared any of these thoughts with a trusted friend, they might get the slight boost they need to leave their nest and fly.


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