Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth Nearly $49 Million USD: 9 More worth over $799,999 Gems

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In the realm of numismatics, stumbling upon a rare coin worth a significant fortune is akin to uncovering buried treasure.

The recent buzz within the numismatic community centers around a Bicentennial Quarter valued at nearly $49 million USD.

This extraordinary discovery has sparked excitement among collectors and enthusiasts, prompting a closer examination of other valuable coins that may be lurking in plain sight.

Join us on a journey through the world of numismatic rarities as we explore nine additional coins worth over $799,999 each.

The 1804 Silver Dollar:

A Numismatic Icon (Estimated Value: $3.8 Million USD) Dubbed the “King of American Coins,” the 1804 Silver Dollar is a highly sought-after rarity.

Despite its misleading date, most were minted decades later as diplomatic gifts. With an estimated value of $3.8 million USD, this coin symbolizes numismatic prestige.

1913 Liberty Head Nickel:

A True Rarity (Estimated Value: $4.5 Million USD) Among the most renowned coins, the 1913 Liberty Head Nickel boasts only five known specimens, each featuring Lady Liberty in profile.

Private sales have reached prices as high as $4.5 million USD, making this nickel a coveted treasure.

1794 Flowing Hair Dollar:

America’s Inaugural Silver Dollar (Estimated Value: $10 Million USD) As the first silver dollar minted by the United States, the 1794 Flowing Hair Dollar holds immense historical significance.

Its rarity contributes to an estimated value of $10 million USD, solidifying its status as a prized possession among collectors.

The 1933 Double Eagle:

A Legal Saga (Estimated Value: $7.6 Million USD) With a turbulent history, the 1933 Double Eagle has faced legal controversies.

Despite most being melted down, surviving specimens have fetched impressive prices, including $7.6 million USD in a notable 2002 auction.

1804 Bust Dollar:

The Epitome of Rarity (Estimated Value: $4.1 Million USD) Another member of the esteemed “King of American Coins” category, the 1804 Bust Dollar was minted for diplomatic purposes and is now highly coveted.

Public sales have reached $4.1 million USD, cementing its iconic status.

1907 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle Ultra High Relief: A Golden Masterpiece (Estimated Value: $3 Million USD) Crafted by renowned sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens, the 1907 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle Ultra High Relief is a masterpiece in gold coinage.

With an intricate design, it commands prices upwards of $3 million USD at auction.

The 1796 Draped Bust Dime:

Rarity in Small Denominations (Estimated Value: $1.8 Million USD) Despite its small denomination, the 1796 Draped Bust Dime is incredibly rare, reflecting the scarcity of early American coinage.

Valued at $1.8 million USD, it exemplifies the allure of lesser-known numismatic treasures.

1870-S Seated Liberty Dollar:

An Enigmatic Rarity (Estimated Value: $1.5 Million USD) Shrouded in mystery, the 1870-S Seated Liberty Dollar boasts only nine known examples.

With an estimated value of $1.5 million USD, it stands as a testament to the intrigue surrounding rare numismatic finds.

1943 Bronze Lincoln Cent:

A Minting Anomaly (Estimated Value: $1.7 Million USD) During wartime shortages, the U.S. Mint accidentally struck a few Lincoln Cents in bronze instead of steel in 1943.

These rare coins have achieved impressive prices, including $1.7 million USD at auction.


The world of rare coins is a captivating blend of history, art, and scarcity, where each discovery adds richness to the numismatic tapestry.

The Bicentennial Quarter, valued at nearly $49 million USD, serves as a testament to the hidden treasures awaiting discovery in everyday transactions.

As collectors and enthusiasts continue to unearth these numismatic marvels, the allure of rare coins grows stronger, enriching the stories that shape numismatic history.

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