What is the number of triangles? This Test Is Passed By Just 2% Of Hyper-Geniuses!

Keep in mind that seeing all the triangles—some of which are nestled inside others or created by the meeting of forms—requires more than a cursory inspection.

And the fact that you're racing against the clock just adds to the excitement of this task!

Time is of the essence as you deconstruct the picture, examine its forms, and determine the total number of triangles.

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In just 12 seconds, you can use your 20/20 vision to find a dog concealed within a pile of towels!

Counting the total number of triangles concealed within a complicated geometric pattern is the goal of this puzzle, which is not your average math problem.

Is this the final test of your visual abilities and mental fortitude?

To solve this riddle and get an exact count, you need a high IQ and a genius degree of spatial intelligence.

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